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Village Club Membership

The family place for fun in the sun!



  • If you are interested in a membership, please call 414-380-CLUB (2582). Family memberships are managed each year to avoid overcrowding . If interested in a family membership, please download the waitlist form and add your name to the waitlist.



  • The membership renewal form for active members and members on Hiatus will be sent January 2nd by email and is available here. 

  • Complete the form, add your signature, and return the form with your payment of dues and capital improvement fee. 

  • Incomplete forms, including those with a missing signature, will not be accepted or processed.

  • All members, including children, must have a recent picture in the club's software system for checking in.

  • The enrollment packet provides information for lessons, teams, leagues, fitness activities, and social events.


Membership Dues

  • Option A: Pay Dues and Capital Improvement Fee (CIF) in full by February 1st. there is fa $50 late fee for payment after April 1st and another $50 late fee for payment after May 1st. Non-renewal if dues are not paid in full by May 15th. Option Hiatus.


  • Option B: Pay Dues and CIF in three payments - February 1st, March 1st, and April 1st, plus a $15 processing fee. Late fees and deadline the same as in Option A. Capital Improvement Fee included.


  • Checks (personal or electronic) are payable to:
    The Village Club
    PO Box 74
    Greendale, WI 53129


Initiation Fees

  • Option A: $500 fee for new members who chose to pay in full the first year of membership.


  • Option B: A payment of $300 in the first year of membership and another payment of $300 in the second year of membership.


  • Initiation fees are paid along with the payment of membership dues and capital improvement fee in one full payment.


Capital Improvement Fee (CIF)

  • Family, Single Parent Family, Couple, and Single Memberships - $50


  • Senior Single Memberships and Senior Couple Memberships - $40


  • The CIF is paid along with the payment of your annual dues.


Childcare Providers

  • The Childcare Provider Form can be completed here. The childcare provider fee is $50. This includes up to two providers.


  • Childcare providers are required to have their picture and date of birth on file for check-in and security purposes.


  • They are required to check-in each time they enter the club.


  • If the childcare provider is joining the parents at the club, he/she must check-in and pay the guest fee.


  • The limit is two providers per membership. You must obtain board approval through the Membership Manager for more than two.


User Fees

  • Lessons, teams, leagues, fitness, guest fees, and social events must be paid for when you sign up for the activity.​


  • User fees can be paid by credit card or cash.​


  • There is a 72 hour window for cancellation and refund.


  • Initiation fees are paid along with the payment of membership dues and capital improvement fee in one full payment.


Party Reservations

  • Members are required to complete a Party Reservation Form to reserve tables and spaces for their family and guests.​​​


  • The Party Reservation Form can be completed online at this link. For any questions, please ask for help at the check-in window.


  • The total number of members and guests may not exceed 20.


  • Tables are reserved at 4 people/table.

Share Your Village Club Photos

For inclusion on the website or social accounts, please email photos to:  â€‹

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